
Wazirx Trading Bot

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Wazirx Bot

Wazirx bot written in python with selenium

What can it do?

Mostly anything that you can do on Wazirx web.
Except login/signup. Login support will be added in the future.
Since signup is mostly a one time process, users should create account first
and then use the library.

How to use interaction_lib

from src.interaction_lib.interactions import WazirxWeb


This will start a loop where in you can enter commands.

>>> lb search doge
>>> lb clear_search
>>> rb switch_to_sell_tab


board command [<argument>]

Where board can either be:

lb for left-hand side board
rb for right-hand side board

Left Board Diagram
Commands for lb (left-board):

  • switch_base_currency argument: string containing INR, USDT, WRX or BTC
  • sort_by argument: string containing pair, volume or change
  • search argument: crypto currency code
  • clear_search
  • get_currency_dict
  • switch_currency argument: string in format CRYPTO-BASE, example: DOGE-INR

Right Board Diagram
Commands for rb (right-board):

  • switch_to_open_orders
  • switch_to_completed_orders
  • switch_to_buy_tab
  • switch_to_sell_tab
  • input_at_price argument: new price value
  • input_amount argument: new buy amount value
  • input_total argument: new balance to spend value
  • buy_sell_button HINT: buy or sell is dependent on which tab is open